Publication date: February 07 2024
Terms of use regulate the conditions for receivingServices and their payment.
Please read this document carefully to understand the rules for receivingServices.
RealTerms of use are apublic agreement between the User and the Platform governing their relationship.
References to the words “you” or “your” (or similar words)mean the User depending on the context of the Privacy Policy.
References to “we”, “our” or “us” (or similarwords) mean the Platform.
The words he/she and their derivatives in the text of a document can be applied toeither a male or female person, depending on the context of the document.
- Account -this is a functional part of thePlatform through which the User gains access to its Services.
- Specialist -This is a User who isregistered on the Site and offers his services to the Customer for the purpose of sale.
- Customer is a User who is registeredon the Site and purchases the services of a Specialist.
- Salesman is a User who is registeredon the Site and places Products on the pages of the Site for the purpose of sale.
- Buyer is a User who is registered onthe Site and purchases Products from the Seller
- User is an individual or legal entitythat registers on the Site and is used for the general name of the Specialist, the Customer. Buyer andSeller.
- Announcement - this is content(contain text/photo materials) that the User places on the Site for the purpose of receiving Services(selling Products and/or searching for a Customer by a Specialist).
- Limit – this is the number offree Advertisements that the User can publish on the Site in a certain period of time.
- Order – this is an offer, whichconsists of formalizing the User’s intention to buy a Product/Service indicated on the Site byanother User in the Advertisement.
- Task – this is informationposted by the Customer on the Site, in particular in the Advertisement, addressed to interestedSpecialists containing a request for a Specialist’s service (provision/performance ofservices/work) in a certain category.
- Reservation – this is theselection and reservation by the User of individual Products/Services/
- Balance - this is the amount of theUser’s funds that are posted on the Site and can be used for mutual settlements,
which is divided into two functions Main Account and Bonus Account.
- Master account - this is theamount of the User’s funds, the amount of which is indicated in the Balance and funds from whichcan be transferred by the User to his bank account and excluding the amount of the bonusaccount.The maximum amount for replenishing the Main Account is a limit of1000.00 (one) thousand francs.
- Bonus account - this is theamount of the User’s bonus funds, the amount of which is indicated in the Balance and which can beused exclusively to pay for the Platform Services. Bonus funds are awarded exclusively as payment ofpenalty payments, promotions, etc.
- Business subscription is theprovision by the Platform to the User of a certain number of Services for a fixed fee, which isindicated in the relevant section of the Site.
- Margin – this is the amount ofmoney that is transferred by the Specialist/Seller to the Platform’s bank account and is reflectedon the User’s Balance and is an agreed upon by the parties (Specialist/Seller and Platform) methodof ensuring the fulfillment of the monetary obligations of the Specialist/Seller to the Platform and theCustomer/Buyer.
- Basket – a page of theSite that displays the Products selected by the User, with the possibility of further acquisition by theUser.
- User Consent (hereinafter “Consent”)
- a voluntary, specific, informed and unambiguous expression of will, in which the User, bymeans of a statement or clear positive action, agrees to the condition for the provision of theServices, in accordance with these Terms of Use.
- Personal Information - any informationthat is in the public domain and allows you to directly or indirectly identify the User. For example,first name, last name, phone number, IP address.
- Statistical data — anyinformation that is in the public domain and directly or indirectly relates to the User. For example,information about the name or address of the User’s company.
- platform (hereinafter referred to as the“Platform” or “”) is a company thatprovides Users with the opportunity to receive Services for paymentand/ormake sales/purchase of the Product, in accordance with the terms of the Terms ofUse.
- Website of the Platform (hereinafter referred to asthe "Site") -means a web page or group of web pages on the Internet,which are located at:
, through which the Platform provides Services to Users.
- Goods - this is a material result oflabor activity or production processes, which has useful properties and is intended for use by theconsumer, and is placed by the Seller in the appropriate section of the Site for the purpose of its saleby the Buyer.
- Third party - means a natural or legalperson, government agency, agency or body other than the User or the Platform.
- Services –this is an algorithm ofactions performed by the Platform to provide the Seller with the opportunity to post the Product on theSite and provide the Buyer with the opportunity to purchase such Product, and/or providing theSpecialist with the opportunity to post his services and purchase them for the Customer,
and/or allowing the Customer to post his Task for execution by the Specialist.
- Agreeing to the terms of the dataTermsof Use, The User provides his express Consent:
- condition for receiving Services;
- form and amount of payment for Services, including payment forServices in the form of a commission;
- providing the Platform with the necessary additional information,confidential information, Personal and Statistical data;
- do not post prohibited content, in accordance with the Terms of Useand the legislation of the Swiss Republic;
- when communicating with Users and employees of the Platform, complywith the conditions of polite communication in accordance with generally accepted standards;
- comply with the terms of the Terms of Use.
- In the manner and under the conditions specified in these Terms ofUse, the Platform provides access via the Internet to software products in the form of an online serviceposted on the Site and ensures the provision of Services, and the User undertakes to accept and pay forsuch provided Services.
- These Terms of Use are considered accepted by the User withoutany reservations or exceptions at the time of indicating their consent, by using the checkbox andticking the appropriate field. In this case, the User provides his Consent with all the terms of theTerms of Use. The User provides his Consent during registration on the Site or posting a Product/Ad orpurchasing a Product and/or selling a Product/providing a Service.
- To gain access to all Services, the User must register on the Site.An unregistered User receives limited access to the Platform Services and will only be able to view thePlatform Services.
- A person using the Site on behalf of a User who is a legal entity orseparate division confirms that he is duly authorized to act and perform all actions on the Site onbehalf of such User.
- The User agrees that actions performed on the Site afterregistration are considered the actions of the User.
- To gain full access to the Services, the User is required toregister on the Site. The user can register by:
- specifying your email, password, phone number; or
- by using special services: Google account, Facebook account.
- Using the Account, the User gains access to the followingServices:
- publication and management of Advertisements;
- Business subscription;
- management of payments and invoices related to the receipt ofServices;
- management of your Personal and Statistical data;
- ordering Services;
- participate in communication with another User;
- placing an Order;
- placement of the Product;
- Reservation of Specialist/Product services;
- any other Services that the Platform may provide and the descriptionof which is indicated in the relevant section of the Site.
- After filling out the Personal Data required for registration,confirmation of Account registration, links to activate the Account and the current Terms of Use will besent to the email address specified by the User and to the telephone number. Account registration isconsidered complete when the user activates the Account.
- The User undertakes not to disclose the data necessary to accesshis Account and bears sole responsibility if a Third Party gains access to his Account. If the User haslost access to his Account, the Platform may restore access to such Account if the User sends a requestto the Platform at the following email Such a requestmust contain: identification data, Account data, a document confirming the User’s identity, and adescription of the problem that has arisen.
- Account deactivation is available in its settings. The User canreturn money from the Main Account independently in the Balance replenishment section on the money backtab, or they will be automatically returned by the Platform to the User’s bank account that wasused to replenish the Main Account. It is not possible to return money from a bonus account. Money fromthe bonus account can be used to purchase Services.
- Account deletion is possible only after the User has fulfilledall obligations regarding the Platform and other obligations to the Specialist/CustomerBuyer/Seller.
- If the Account is deleted, the amount of the Main Account will bereturned to the User's bank account automatically, if such a bank account was previously specifiedby the User. If such a bank account has not been specified by the User, then the Platform will send arequest to the User to obtain a bank account, and if the User does not provide such a bank accountwithin 3 (three) business days, then such amount from the Main Account will either be returned orwithdrawn in accordance with a payment system that provides payment processing services to thePlatform.
- If the Account is deleted, the amount of the Bonus Account willbe transferred to the Platform account automatically.
- If the User has not used the Account for 12 (twelve) calendarmonths, then the User will no longer be able to use the Account, and the amount of the Main account willbe returned by the Platform to his bank card, and the amount of the bonus account on the Balance of suchUser will not be returned to him and will be used for reimbursement of Platform costs.
- Authorization on the Site is carried out by the User by specifyingPersonal data provided by the Platform or using special services: Google account, Facebookaccount.
- The Platform provides the following Services:
- creation/replenishment of Balance;
- placement/promotion of Advertisements;
- placing an Order;
- Reservation of receipt of goods/services of Specialists;
- posting Tasks;
- Business subscription;
- placement by the Seller of the Goods on the pages of the Site forthe purpose of selling them to the Buyer;
- placement of the Specialist’s services on the pages of theSite for the purpose of providing them to the Customer;
- any other Services that the Platform may provide and the descriptionof which is indicated in the relevant section of the Site.
- In the Account/Advertisement on the Site, each User can fill outthe Specialist form, that is, provide their Personal and Statistical data, mandatory and optional data,such as: first and last name; Contact details; education; place of service; set the percentage of thefine to the Customer; Add photo; service cost; professional experience; skills and interests, as well asindicate the desired hours and/or calendar dates for the provision of services. The Specialist form canbe edited on an ongoing basis (data contained in it can be deleted, added or replaced).
- In the Account/Ad on the Site, each User can fill out an Orderform, that is, provide their Personal and Statistical data, mandatory and optional data such as: firstand last name; Contact details; location of the task; photo and video materials; the proposed cost ofthe Task, as well as indicate the desired hours and/or days when it is convenient for the Task to becompleted. The Add Tasks form can be edited on an ongoing basis (the data contained in it can bedeleted, added and replaced).
- In the Account/Ad on the Site, each User can fill out a form foradding a Product, that is, provide their Personal and Statistical data, mandatory and optional data suchas: first and last name; Contact details; place of sale of goods; add a photo, cost of the product;quantity, color, size and condition of the goods. The form for adding a Product can be edited on anongoing basis (the data contained in it can be deleted, added and replaced).
- The Platform moderates the content that the User publishesduring the placement of: Advertisements, Products, Orders, Tasks, Specialist services. The platformmoderates the above content within 7 (seven) calendar days from the date of its posting. Duringmoderation, the Platform assigns one of three statuses: moderated, unmoderated, for consideration by themoderator. The “moderated” status is assigned to the Advertisement, Product, Order, Taskand/or Specialist service that the User is allowed to publish on the Platform Website. The “notmoderated” status is assigned to an Advertisement, Product, Order, Task and/or Specialist servicethat is prohibited from being published by the User on the Platform Website. The status “underconsideration” is assigned to an Advertisement, Product, Order, Task and/or Service of aSpecialist, the decision on which has not yet been made by the Platform. In the event that the Userplaces content in an Advertisement, Product, Order, Task, or Service of a Specialist that contradictsthe terms of these Terms of Use and/or the legislation of the Swiss Confederation and the Kingdom ofLiechtenstein.
- The Platform controls the User’s placement of content in anysection of the Site (reviews, Advertisements, communication between Users),
by carrying out moderation, in accordance with paragraph andthe Platform may apply penalties to the User (blocking/deleting the Ad/Account) if the content containsthe following information:
- in any way violates the rights of a Third Party, including propertyand/or intellectual rights;
- contains illegal information;
- contains false or incorrect information;
- contains signs of a pornographic or sexual nature, profanity;
- humiliates the honor and dignity of a Third Party, anotherUser;
- incites interracial, interethnic, religious, sexual and politicalhatred;
- violates the rights and/or freedoms of Third parties;
- contains links to Third Party websites that may harm Third Partysoftware;
- contains an arbitrary set of symbols that have no meaning;
- website addresses or links to other websites;
- data of users or other individuals, including, but not limited to:first and last name, place of residence, telephone number, address, bank account number, photos andvideo materials;
- content resulting from an agreement with other Users or ThirdParties to influence ratings or reviews;
- contains links to sites that distribute pornography, unlicensedsoftware and/or media files, or incite racial, ethnic, religious, sexual and political hatred;
- contains links to information that is open advertising platforms fornetwork marketing, affiliate marketing, financial pyramids, making money from home and other types offraud;
- contains obscene language;
- contains jargon in more than 30 (thirty) percent of thecontent;
- contains flood;
- contains various ways to attract potential clients, such as“get rich quick”, “create your wealth”, “financial independence”,etc.;
- contains proposals for loan restructuring and debt relief;
- contains advertising of alcohol and/or tobacco products;
- contains spam;
- contains calls for violence;
- contains slander against a Third Party;
- written in capital letters only;
- uses multiple grouped punctuation marks;
- contains links to sites that are dating services, escorts,etc.;
- contain signs of begging;
- contains links to websites and/or information about personaldevelopment courses, career development, etc.
- List of requirements specified in paragraph h oftheseTerms of Use, is not exhaustive, andthe Platform has the right, at its sole discretion: to block/delete the Account/Ad and/or limit accessto the Account functions if the User violates the termsTerms ofUse.
- The Platform provides the User with the Service for connecting aBusiness subscription.The terms and quantity of Services within the BusinessSubscription are indicated in the corresponding section of the Site.The Userwill purchase a Business Subscription for the period specified in the relevant section of the Site. TheUser has the right to either renew the Business Subscription or purchase an automatic renewal of theBusiness Subscription by using the checkbox, by ticking the appropriate box. For successful auto-renewalof a Business subscription, the User must have money in the User’s Main Account; if there is nomoney in the User’s Main Account, the Auto-Renewal Business Subscription will not be carriedout.
- In the event of the end of the Business subscription or the termof the Service, the Platform sends the User a notice of the end of the Business subscription and/orService 3 (three) business days before its end date, by notification in the appropriate section of theSite or by using an e-mail notification .
- The Platform may indicate services that require additionalpermissions or licenses, and such services are not provided by the Platform, but are providedexclusively by the User.
- The user can carry out auto-renewal of the Service
(“Subscriptions” and “Business Subscriptions” ), which is not provided at the time of purchase, by using the checkbox by checking theappropriate box. For successful auto-renewal of the Service, the User must have money in theUser’s Main Account; if there is no money in the User’s Main Account, the Auto-RenewalService will not be provided.
- The User's Advertisement, which is posted on the Site freeof charge, remains active (displayed on the Site) in accordance with the time limits specified on theSite, and such a period for publishing such an Advertisement is set unilaterally by the Platform.
- The Platform notifies the User that the period for provision(publication on the Site) of paid Services is indicated in the relevant section of the Site andconstitutes the term for which the Service was purchased. The period for publication of paid Services isset unilaterally by the Platform and can be changed by the Platform unilaterally from the end of theperiod for providing such Service. When purchasing a Service, the User can become familiar with theterms of provision of such a Service.
- The User may cancel the Service by sending a correspondingrequest to the support team in writing. Such a request must contain: the user’s full name, adescription of the Service and the reasons for its cancellation. The decision to cancel the Service ismade by the moderator within 3 (three) working days by the moderator from the receipt of such a request.The Moderator may refuse the User to cancel the Service if the request for cancellation does not containthe necessary information.
- The Platform notifies the User, by notification in theappropriate section of the Site or by using an e-mail notification, about the expiration of theprovision of the Service 3 (three) business days before the expiration date of the provision of suchService.
- The Platform provides the User with the opportunity to use theBalance service free of charge solely for mutual settlements between Users and the Platform. The Balanceservice is not an account creation service, and the units that are credited to the Balance are notelectronic money, in the context of the provisions on the provision of payment services, but an amountthat can be used exclusively for mutual settlements between Users and the Platform.
The balance is divided into the Main account and the Bonus account. You can withdraw fundsfrom the Main account, but not from the bonus account.
- Rights to use the Balance:
- The User can replenish the deposit to the Balance by depositingfunds into the Platform account in one of the accepted currencies in accordance with the informationprovided on the Site.
- Funds will be transferred in numerical units and credited to theUser's Balance. After the User's payment is credited to the Platform's account, the Platformtransfers to the Main Account a number of units equal to the amount paid. This amount is updated on anongoing basis after each User transaction, which leads to its change (replenishment of the Balance leadsto an increase in the amount of units in the Main Account, and payment of a commission for theService/services, payment of a commission for receiving a Specialist Task, a purchase in thesubscription section leads to a decrease in the amount units on the Main account. Penalties andpromotions from the promotional code are credited to the Bonus account.
- The User can fully manage the funds assigned to his Balance duringthe entire period of validity of the Terms of Use, provided that the Account is active;
- In case of making payments from the Balance, the Platform withdrawsthe corresponding amount from the Balance in accordance with the amount of costs (reducing thebalance);
- The user can withdraw money from the Main Account at any time and inthe “replenishment of balance” section, in the money back tab. Refunds from the BonusAccount are not possible;
- The platform does not provide a Balance with a minus value. TheCustomer may unilaterally establish penalties for cancellation of such services by the Specialist. Theuser has the right to cancel within 24 hours from the date of its publication without incurringpenalties. The User can cancel the Specialist's service after the expiration of 24 hours and theCustomer must pay the penalty specified by the Specialist, and the amount of the penalty will becredited to the Specialist's bonus account. To cancel the Specialist's service, the Customermust have the appropriate amount in the Main Account; if such an amount is not available, cancellationof the Specialist's service is impossible. If the Customer did not use the service of the Specialistand did not show up at the appropriate time and date, the dispute is resolved without the participationof the Platform, by the parties to such transaction, but the Platform may apply penalties to such Users,in accordance with the terms of these Terms of Use.
- The user can use them in accordance with the conditions set forth inthe relevant section of the Site.
- The Balance may include promotions and discounts, in casesdetermined by the Platform, in particular, for systematic payment for Services/purchase ofGoods/Specialist services, for replenishing the Balance, etc. Such promotions and discounts cannot bewithdrawn from the Balance to the User’s bank account.
- The Platform notifies that the exchange of contacts betweenUsers may be regarded by the Platform as a potential agreement for the implementation of an Order or thecompletion of a Task.
- The Platform provides Services that are provided to the Userautomatically and the User cannot refuse to receive such Services. More detailed information can befound in the corresponding section of the Site.
- The Platform provides the Service to the User for publishing anAdvertisement on the Site. After registration, the User can publish an Advertisement on the Site. Anadvertisement published by the User on the Site is available to all its Users. Along with theAdvertisement) or delete or add Tasks and Products, a contact form in the form of a calendar and clockwill also be available, allowing the Customer to select a calendar date and time within which theSpecialist can provide the corresponding service.
- At the time of publication of the Advertisement, the User grants anon-exclusive, territorially unlimited and free license to record, reproduce and distribute theAdvertisement in whole or in part for the purpose of displaying it on the Site and with Platformpartners through whom the Site is promoted, as well as anywhere on the Internet, including searchengines (eg Google) and social networks (eg Facebook).
- The Platform allows the User to place an Advertisement on thefirst page of the Site in the category of displaying such an Advertisement using a paid Service, theconditions and cost of which are indicated on the Site.
- The content of each Advertisement must comply with the requirementsset forth in these Terms of Use, be truthful, unambiguous and understandable, and comply with thetechnical requirements specified by the Platform:
- The advertisement consists of one of the six languagesdefined on the Site, namely: Ukrainian, German, English, French, Italian, Russian, it mustnot contain words and expressions that are generally considered vulgar or offensive;
- The User must indicate the total price of the Advertised item inSwiss national currency. The cost of the subject of the Advertisement must be real, not lower than themarket value. In cases provided for by the Rules of Use, the market value of the subject of theAdvertisement may be determined by the Platform. The Platform has the right to determine the marketvalue of the subject of the Advertisement;
- The advertisement must contain a clear, accurate and completedescription, including truthful, non-misleading information about the features of the subject of theadvertisement;
- The advertisement cannot contain contact information (with theexception of a business subscription, in accordance with its terms specified in the relevant section ofthe Site)– such data can only be entered in the form fields intended forthis purpose. Contact information, including the phone number specified when publishing theAdvertisement, must be valid. If the User indicates contact information in the Advertisement, then suchAdvertisement will be deleted by the Platform without warning the User;
- A product, as the subject of an Advertisement, can only be an itemthat the User owns or has the right to dispose of, or advertise (offer for sale). If the subject of theAdvertisement is located outside of Switzerland, the User must clearly indicate this in theAdvertisement;
- The User guarantees that he owns all rights to use the materials(content) posted by him when creating the Advertisement;
- One Advertisement can offer one item of the Advertisement for apaid Service to promote the Advertisement to the TOP of the list of posted Advertisements;
- It is necessary to indicate whether the Advertisement offersassortment or completeness;
- The advertisement cannot include content such as advertising offersand any other advertising information, website addresses and other elements that lead Users to theresources of companies providing the same or similar services as the Site, as well as prohibitedcontent, in accordance with the Terms of Use .
- By posting an Advertisement on the Site, the User agrees to thefollowing requirements:
- it is allowed to place one Advertisement regarding one specificProduct (item, property), Specialist service, Task;
- it is prohibited for one User to publish the same or similaradvertisements in content;
- It is prohibited to duplicate identical Advertisements fromdifferent email addresses/mobile phone numbers;
- It is prohibited to publish the Advertisement in a section that doesnot correspond to the topic of the Advertisement;
- one Advertisement posted on the Site should not contain severalAdvertisements of different types of goods/services (for example, placing an Advertisement for the saleof household appliances and providing German language training services);
- It is prohibited to insert in the Advertisement links to resourcescontaining malicious elements or links to the main page of the Site;
- It is prohibited to post Advertisements about a Specialist’sProduct or service if such placement may lead to a violation of the law;
- when publishing an Advertisement about a service subject tolicensing, the User is required to indicate the license number and who issued it;
- It is prohibited to publish an Advertisement whose title ordescription is logically unrelated and unreadable;
- It is prohibited to publish insults and obscene language;
- It is prohibited to publish information that may relate to thecollection and storage of Personal and Statistical data of other users;
- It is prohibited to publish advertisements about making money on theInternet, about conducting mass electronic mailings, about network marketing, about work that requiresmaterial investments, about occult services;
- It is prohibited to publish Advertisements for the purpose ofattracting Users, as well as other visitors to the Site, to third-party resources, sites or registrationof Users, as well as other visitors to the Site on such resources, sites;
- It is prohibited to publish Advertisements for the purpose ofboosting or changing website statistics or the number of subscribers on social networks;
- It is prohibited to publish Advertisements for the purpose ofordering automatic or manual distribution of invitations and messages to users of social networks, emailnewsletters;
- It is prohibited to publish Advertisements for the purpose ofproviding distribution services for the Seller’s Products.
- It is prohibited to publish Announcements about the Goods andservices of a Specialist, Tasks that are prohibited for publication by the current legislation of theSwiss Confederation and the Kingdom of Liechtenstein, as well as those that are harmful, threatening,offending morals, slanderous, violating copyrights or other intellectual property rights of thirdparties, promoting hatred and/or discrimination against people on racial, ethnic, gender, socialgrounds.
- The subject of the Advertisement also cannot be: goods/servicesprohibited for sale by the current legislation of Switzerland and the Kingdom of Liechtenstein; stolengoods or services that are the subject of a judicial or administrative dispute; goods subject toenforcement proceedings, bankruptcy proceedings or constituting the property of a subject in the processof reorganization, as well as the following Goods:
- special technical means, including devices for secretly receivingvideo and audio information, obtaining information from communication channels (hidden and built-incameras: key fobs, glasses with a built-in camera, watch-camera; wiretapping, earphone bugs,etc.;
- devices for encrypting and distorting signals and frequencies(communication jammers, code grabbers and other means of electronic hacking); door lock picks;
- narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and precursors included inthe list approved by the legislation of the Swiss Confederation and the Kingdom of Liechtenstein;
- objects of flora without permission for the special use of naturalresources, as well as objects of flora and seeds containing narcotic, psychotropic,
hallucinogenic, toxic substances (cannabis, marijuana, hemp,etc.); - devices and accessories for the use of narcotic and psychotropicsubstances, as well as for the use and cultivation of plants containing them (bongs, napas, bulbulators,grinders, etc.);
- human organs, tissues, cells, other anatomical materials (including,but not limited to: donor blood and its components); donor services;
- poaching tools and equipment for obtaining objects of the animalworld: electrofishing systems, any fishing nets (including for commercial fishing), crayfish traps,hooks, spears, awns and other fishing gear, traps;
- representatives of flora and fauna included in the list of theinternational convention CITES and/or included in the Red Book, any wild animals, as well as animalskins, products fromskin, horns, limbs and stuffedanimals;
- optical media with illegal copies of films, music, games, softwareand other intellectual property or access to online resources containing them. Access refers to serialnumbers, keys to software products and games, generators and other tools used to remove protection fromillegal use.
- vehicles without documents or are wanted;
- state awards, orders, medals, badges for honorary titles and badgesof laureates of state prizes, except for their copies;
- souvenirs and/or other products bearing the symbols of the RussianFederation, the communist totalitarian regime, the symbols of the National Socialist (Nazi) totalitarianregime, the symbols of Russian imperial policy, self-proclaimed states not recognized by the UN;
- foreign currency and other currency values (except forthe purchase and sale of coins and banknotes for numismatic purposes), shares and other securities ownedby third parties;
- counterfeit banknotes and counterfeit postage stamps, as well aspostage stamps circulating without the seller having an agreement with the national postal operator forthe sale of such postage stamps;
- identification documents (passports, ID cards, licenses, studentcards, etc.), strict reporting documents, as well as other documents and forms with special technicaland holographic protection;
- ready-made license plates for vehicles (standard, personalized,elite, etc.), werewolf frames (curtains for license plates), as well as other products that allow you tohide/disguise/make partially invisible the state license plate of a vehicle;
- databases and accounts containing Personal and Statistical Data,including telephone numbers, email addresses, etc.;
- Medicines and drugs:
- available with a doctor's prescription;
- issued to minors (persons under fourteen years of age);
- included in the list of prohibited advertising;
- not registered in the Swiss Confederation;
- contain active ingredients of drugs (including sildenafil,tadalafil, Levitra, minoxidil, dapoxetine, mucosate, avanafil, generics of Viagra, etc.);
- restricted in free circulation, including by international competentorganizations;
- nootropics, steroids, peptides, anabolics.
- Any traditional (alternative) medicine products/products are notregistered as medicines or dietary supplements in accordance with the procedure established by thecurrent legislation of Switzerland, do not have the appropriate accompanying documents confirming thequality and safety of such products, as well as preparations containing toxic substances and which arenot registered as medicines;
- Veterinary drugs that are not registered in accordance with theestablished procedure in the territory of the Swiss Federation.
- Dietary supplements (dietary supplements, including food, sports,for potency/libido, etc.) without an international certificate or other document from the country oforigin about its quality;
- Tobacco, tobacco products, smoking mixtures (including cigarettes,cigars, sticks for heating tobacco devices, smoking mixtures for hookahs, ready-to-use electroniccigarettes, any liquids (including bases for making liquids), cartridges or pods for electroniccigarettes, vapes and other smoking devices, other products made from tobacco or its substitutes), aswell as products using trademarks and brands under which tobacco products are produced;
- Any weapon (except for antique, souvenir, mock-up and dummiesstructurally similar to weapons, signal, starting, construction pistols, rocket launchers, sports,tourist knives if there is an appropriate expert opinion that such a product is not a bladedweapon);
- Explosives and especially dangerous chemicals (gunpowder, dynamite,TNT, nitroglycerin, etc.);
- Pyrotechnic products for technical and special purposes;
- Special means of active self-defense, means of protection orrestriction of mobility used by law enforcement agencies, as well as goods with hidden elements oftraumatic action (cane, electroshock devices, tactical pens, handcuffs, gas canisters, gas pistols,means of forced stop of transport, light-sound, acoustic and microwave exposure, products equipped withsmoke-forming preparations, kubotan, sycamore, etc.);
- Alcoholic products with an alcohol content of more than 8.5 percentby volume in Tetra-Pak and Bag in box packaging, as well as on tap;
- Alcohol, incl. ethyl, cognac, fruit;
- Equipment, in particular moonshine stills, for the production ofmoonshine and other home-made strong alcoholic drinks;
- Devices and equipment intended for changing the readings ofelectricity, gas and water meters (stopping and unscrewing meters), as well as for adjusting vehiclemileage;
- Products the use of which poses a potential danger when drivingvehicles (seat belt plugs and airbag covers);
- Products with supernatural characteristics that can influence thespiritual world, property, improvement, etc.;
- Goods, the sale and/or use of which violate the principles of lawand order, do not meet the principles of public morality and/or morality;
- Special-purpose search equipment (mine detectors, metal detectorsfor military use), used by certain specialties of military personnel and police officers, the ArmedForces of the Swiss Confederation related to mine clearance;
- Tactical army hemostatic tourniquets (tourniquets);
- Counterfeit goods with unlawful use of a mark for goods andservices, copyright or copying of form, packaging, external design, etc.;
- Special personal protective equipment (body armor, armorplates/armor plates, helmets, etc.).
- Any other goods and/or services prohibited for sale and advertisingby the legislation of the Swiss Republic or the decision of the Platform.
- The user publishes an Advertisement on the site in the followingway:
- by clicking on the “Add Advertisement” icon orsimilar icon;
- having undergone moderation on the Site;
- having received moderated status from Platform employees.
- Posting an Advertisement on the Site begins immediately after itspublication (with the exception of Paid Advertisements, the publication of which occurs from the momentpayment is received) and lasts another 30 (thirty) calendar days, but not longer than one of thefollowing circumstances occurs:
- The user sold the item of the Advertisement;
- The User has changed the Advertisement in such a way that itindicates a different subject of the Advertisement than the one that was originally described;
- The user deleted the advertisement.
- If the Platform becomes aware of the occurrence of circumstancesspecified in paragraph g of this section, the Platform has the right
block Advertising in accordance with the principlesspecified in these Terms of Use.
- When posting an Advertisement on the Site, the User can change itscontent and some parameters, as well as disable this Advertisement. The ad is placed in the disabled orsales history tab. The user can extend the display time of the Advertisement for another 30 (thirty)calendar days, but this extension is subject to payment in paid categories and if the Limit isexceeded.
- The booking commission amount is 10% of the cost of the Serviceor Task. The commission for the specialist’s service is paid by the Customer. The commission forbooking a Task is paid by the Specialist. The minimum commission for booking a Specialist's servicesis 3 Swiss francs. The minimum commission for booking a Task is 3 Swiss francs. There is no commissionfor placing Products.
- Perpetual Announcements:
- Within the Limit, the User publishes one Advertisement on theSite for an indefinite period.
- Within the Limit (unlimited Advertisements), the User cansimultaneously publish one active Advertisement in the categories: tasks, services, goods..
- The Platform will inform the User about the exhaustion of theLimit by sending a message available in the Account. The placement by the User of another Advertisementon the Site, on which the Limit has not been provided, is paid.
- Paid Ads:
- The User may place a paid Advertisement on the Site after theUser has purchased the Service for posting Advertisements;
- Such a Service is available on the Site in the“Subscriptions and Services” section of paid Advertisements and occurs at the moment thepayment is received into the Platform account;
- The Platform has the right to change the Ad Limit andthe cost of paid Ads at its sole discretion. The current price is always indicated on the Website pagefor purchasing the relevant Advertisements and is available to the User at the time of purchasing suchan Advertisement.
- To increase the attractiveness of the Advertisement, the User canuse Promotion Services in the form of: raising the Advertisement to the top of the list ofAdvertisements.
- The User can take advantage of any promotions when posting(publishing) or displaying an Advertisement.
- The Platform is not responsible for the effectiveness of thePromotion Services, which are understood as an actual increase in interest in the Advertisement or itsposition.
- The Platform has the right to change the cost of Promotion Servicesat its discretion. The current cost of Promotion Services is always indicated on the purchase page ofthe relevant Services and is available to the User until the moment of purchase.
- The Advertisement selected by the User is subject to payment inaccordance with the Terms of Use and conditions specified on the Site.
- To add an Advertisement item to the Cart, the User clicks the“Add to Cart” button on the corresponding Advertisement page. The number of AdvertisementItems added to the Cart should not exceed 50 (fifty).
- To book an Advertisement item (Reservation), the User clicks theHire button when searching for a Specialist and responding when searching for a Task on thecorresponding Advertisement page.
- Reservation is a paid Service in the sections of the Site:Specialist and Tasks services; and free in the section of the Site: Products.
- The reservation is made by paying it in the amount and on the termsestablished by the Platform and the Rules of Use, subject to the provision of the information necessaryfor the reservation. The Reservation is considered valid from the moment of registration and payment forthe Reservation. Information about the cost of the Booking is indicated during the Bookingprocess.
- The cost of the Booking is 10% of the cost of the item of theAdvertisement and is paid to the Platform account, the details of which are indicated during the Bookingprocess. If the value of the advertisement item exceeds 250 Swiss francs, then the commission cost willbe 7% of the value of the advertisement item(For promotional purposes,we may temporarily reduce the commission when ordering a service on the website.)
- The Reservation is considered valid until the completion of theService or the completion of the Task or the completion of the process of purchasing the ReservationProduct and the corresponding account number is provided.
- After booking an Advertisement item, Users (Seller/Specialist andCustomer/Buyer) receive a message about booking the Advertisement item to the phone number specified inthe Account,which also contains information about the Order itself and thesubject of the Advertisement (the Seller receives an SMS notification if he has subscribed to an SMSnotification in the corresponding section of the Site).
- After booking, the Customer pays the cost (Services, Tasks) of thesubject of the Advertisement directly to the Seller/Specialist, in the manner and manner established byagreement between the parties to the agreement.
- Booking confirmation:
- After the Customer makes a Reservation, the Specialist and theCustomer receive a corresponding message via SMS in their Account (provided that the Account settingsindicate receiving notification via SMS). The Customer has the right to cancel the Reservation at least24 hours before the start time of the Service. If the Customer experiences force majeure circumstancesand cannot use the Service, he must notify the Specialist as soon as possible. The Customer can cancelthe Reservation in less than 24 hours with payment of a fine to the Specialist in the amount specifiedby the Specialist in his settings. The funds will be debited from the Customer's Balance. If thereare no funds on the Balance, the Customer will display a debt for payment. In order to avoid limitingthe functionality of the Site or blocking the Account, the Customer must pay a fine to the Specialistwithin 7 (seven) calendar days from the date of cancellation of the Booking, otherwise the Platform willhave the right to block the Customer’s Account. Funds, in the form of a penalty for canceling theBooking, are credited to the Specialist's Bonus Account and can be used as payment for the PlatformServices. But they cannot be returned to the Specialist’s Main Account or bank card. TheSpecialist has no right to cancel the Booking. If the Specialist experiences force majeure
circumstances and he can't provide service, he will have to communicate thistoto the customer as soon aspossible. - To respond to a Task, the Specialist reserves the amount of 10%of the cost of the Task, which must be on the Specialist’s Balance and will be returned to theSpecialist’s Balance if there is no confirmation from the Customer. If the Customer confirms andselects a Specialist to complete this Task, the amount will be written off by the Platform as paymentfor the Services.
- To avoid controversial situations, we recommend concluding anagreement/invoice between the Specialist and the Customer and having proof of purchase, sale of theGoods and/or provision of Services.
- Delivery of the Goods is carried out to the address specified bythe Customer or the address specified by the Seller, in the case of self-pickup of the Goods.
- The provision of services/fulfillment of the Task is carried outby the Specialist at the address agreed upon by the parties, in the manner and within the time framethat were established by the parties based on the agreement between the parties, in accordance with thefunctions provided by the Platform.
- Dispatch of the Goods or provision of services by theSpecialist/performance of the Task is carried out by the Seller/Specialist at the place of provision ofthe service/delivery of the Goods selected by the Specialist on the Site, or the place of provision bythe Customer, if chosen by the Customer; if selected from the Customer/Buyer at the address specified bythe Customer/Buyer, if selected online - at the address specified by the Specialist on the communicationplatform; when choosing a Specialist - at the place of service provision indicated by the Specialist inthe manner and within the time limits determined by the Specialist/Seller on the Site, or established byagreement between the parties to the Agreement.
- Failure to perform/poor performance by the Specialist/Seller ofobligations under the agreement due to the fault of the Specialist/Seller, as well as failure/improperperformance by the Customer/Buyer of its obligations under the agreement due to the fault of theCustomer, is not grounds for returning payment to the Specialist/Seller and/or Customer/Buyer for theprovision of Services.
- The Seller solely specifies the conditions for returning theGoods in the appropriate section of the Site and the Platform is not responsible for the return of theGoods by the Seller and/or its delivery and/or its quality.
- The corresponding section of the Site contains information about thecurrent price of the selected Services, including commissions (rewards) of the Platform. All pricesindicated on the Site are gross prices (including taxes) expressed in Swiss national currency(CHF).
- Payments made for the Services must be made in advance - in the fullamount necessary for the provision of the Service, before the start of its provision - using the paymentforms provided by the Platform.
- Payment for Services can be made either by bank transfer or byBalance.The Platform may use a pop-up window to receive payment for itsServices using the corresponding function of the Site.
- The provision of the Service shall begin upon full crediting of thePlatform's account for payment for such Service.
- At the User's discretion, the User may make a payment using oneof the available payment methods in accordance with the information provided during the selectionprocess for this Service, following the payment instructions on the invoice.
- The use of any of the payment methods (except for payments from theBalance) will require the establishment of a separate legal relationship with the provider of thispayment service and acceptance of its rules. The Platform is not a party to such relationships and hasno ability to interfere with their content or execution. In case of payment problems, the User mustcontact the relevant operator to clarify any doubts or file a complaint. However, in exceptional casesand within the limits of technical and organizational capabilities, the Platform may help the Userclarify the problem. The Platform is not responsible for payment services provided by an externalservice provider.
- The user receives the initial accounting documents in electronicform. Acceptance of the Terms of Use means acceptance of the method of exchange of primary accountingdocuments in the understanding of the current legislation of Switzerland.
- Funds for properly provided Services: Bookings, Orders are notrefundable if they were provided properly by the Platform, including non-receipt of the Goods/provisionof services by the Specialist due to the fault of the Seller/Specialist.ThePlatform does not refund the User money for the Booking if the service was provided by the Specialist infull to the Customer. The Platform can issue a refund for the Booking if the User made the Booking andpaid for it, but due to technical problems due to the fault of the Platform, it did notmaterialize.
- The Platform is not a party to the transaction for the sale of Goodsby the Seller to the Buyer and/or the provision of services by the Specialist to the Customer, since itis not part of such an agreement.
- In the event of early termination of display of an Advertisement dueto its deactivation by the User, if the subject of the Advertisement has been sold or the User haschanged the topic of the Advertisement in such a way that a different subject of the Advertisement isindicated, the fee charged for posting this Advertisement is not refundable.
- A paid Advertisement is displayed at the time of its activationafter payment and the service is considered provided in full from the moment such a paid Advertisementis published, and the Platform does not refund payment for the publication of the Advertisement afterits activation. But the Platform may return such funds on its own initiative, unilaterally making adecision on such a return.
- In the event of poor-quality provision of these Services, thePlatform may return funds to the User, based on the User’s request, within 14 (fourteen) calendardays from the date of receipt of such a request. Such a request must contain: description of theproblem, reasons for the return, description of the Service, return amount, identified User data. Toreceive a refund, the User must send a request to the following email:
- In case of non-use/
cancellations Services, the Platform may refund fundsto the User, based on the User’s request, within 14 (fourteen) calendar days from the date ofreceipt of such a request. Such a request must contain: description of the problem, reasons for thereturn, description of the Service, return amount, identified User data. To receive a refund, the Usermust send a request to the following
- In the My Subscriptions and Services tab, you can return the costof a Business subscription within 14 (fourteen) calendar days after its purchase, if you do not like theService, by filling out the appropriate form. If you re-purchase a Business Subscription, there will beno refunds for this Service.
- The Platform returns funds, including from the Main Account, tothe bank card from which the User transferred funds to the Main Account.
- The assessment is issued in the manner, form, terms and categoriesindicated on the Site. The User's rating will be posted on the Site on a scale from 1 to 5 (to onedecimal place) based on the average level of all ratings received by this User.
- If a User is assigned more than one rating by the same User, onlythe last rating submitted will be included in the User's average rating.
- The Platform has the right not to include the provided rating inthe average rating of the User, or to remove the rating or review in whole or in part when theratingor review:
- are fictitiously positive, left by representatives ofSpecialists/Sellers and/or Customers/Buyers or Third Parties for the purpose of manipulating the Userrating;
- are fictitious negatives left by Users or Third Parties for thepurpose of lowering the rating;
- concerns a User who is not the User being evaluated;
- provided by the User in relation to himself;
- provided by employees, relatives, relatives, etc. User;
- provided as a result of contact with the User only to determine therating and/or evaluation (for example, to artificially inflate or understate the level of trust in theUser);
- has been provided in a manner that indicates automation of placementor placement through solutions that avoid analysis of network traffic;
- otherwise violates the terms of the Terms of Use.
- If the Platform detects the above symptoms, such reviews and/orratings will be hidden/deleted. The Platform reserves the right to apply measures to block or delete theUser Account to Users involved in falsifying reviews.
- Platform Rights:
- at its discretion, change or delete any information published on theSite, terminate, limit or terminate the User's access to the Services at any time for anyreason;
- apply penalties to Users if they violate the Terms of Use;
- change the cost of providing Services and the terms of the Terms ofUse;
- post advertising and/or other information in any section of the Sitewithout the consent of the User;
- delete or block access to information posted by the User withoutnotifying the User;
- suspend, limit or terminate such User's access to any of theServices and unilaterally at any time on a temporary basis, and in case of gross and/or repeated (morethan two times) violation of the terms of these Terms of Use, deny access to the Services on a permanentbasis;
- moderate all Advertisements/reviews, including images, photo/videomaterials;
- other rights specified in these Terms of Use, their annexes and thecurrent legislation of Switzerland and the Kingdom of Liechtenstein
- Responsibilities of the Platform:
- undertakes to ensure that the User can receive the Site Services inthe manner prescribed by these Rules;
- provide the User with the opportunity to receive consultations fromthe Platform’s technical support service by phone and/or email when the User indicates his loginor contact information. The scope of consultations is limited to specific issues related to theprovision of the Site Services.
- User rights:
- use the Site in accordance with its purpose, observing the laws ofSwitzerland and the Kingdom of Liechtenstein and the good taste of the information society, respectingthe rights and interests of other persons;
- contact the Platform technical support service;
- other rights determined by these Rules, their annexes and thecurrent legislation of Switzerlandand the kingdom of Liechtenstein
- Responsibilities of the Platform:
- comply with the terms of these Terms of Use, the appendices thereto,and also pay for the Services provided to him in the manner and on the terms provided for by these Rulesof Use;
- independently familiarize yourself with information about theconditions for the provision of Services to him and their cost;
- not to perform actions that may interfere with the normalfunctioning of the Site, including not to interfere with the content of the Site;
- not to take illegal actions, including not to use the functionalityof the Site to transmit or publish materials that violate Swiss lawand thekingdom of Liechtenstein;
- not to use the functionality of the Site to sell (or perform otheractions with a similar effect) the subject of the Advertisement, provided that their sale is excluded inaccordance with the current legislation of Switzerlandand the kingdom ofLiechtenstein;
- not to mislead users of the Site and the Platform, for example, byproviding false information about the subject of the Advertisement or concealing relevantinformation;
- not take any actions that may result in a disproportionately largeload on the Site infrastructure;
- do not copy, reproduce, modify, distribute or present to the publicany information contained on the Site (except for information provided by the User himself) without theprior written consent of the Platform;
- not to use information provided by other Users for purposes otherthan to complete a transaction directly with this User, without the written permission of the otherUser;
- not to perform actions aimed at gaining access to someoneelse’s Account by selecting a login and password, hacking or other actions;
- Strictly comply with the terms of the Terms of Use.
- All exclusive intellectual property rights to the content, programcode of the Platform and other objects, as well as components and their elements belong exclusivelytoHelpmarket. sh
- grants the User anon-exclusive paid right to use the Services.
- The User grants the non-exclusive right to use, copy,process and transfer Personal and Statistical Data during the period of use of the Services.
- The User guarantees that the Personal and Statistical data andinformation provided by him does not violate the intellectual property rights of a Third Party.
- Content published on the Site, including, in particular,Advertisements/reviews, regardless of their form, i.e. text, graphic and video materials, a set ofprograms, data, trademarks, intellectual property objects including copyright objects and other objectsthat are used and posted on the Site are the intellectual property of its legal rights holders and areprotected by the intellectual property laws of Switzerland in the Kingdom of Liechtenstein , as well asrelevant international legal treaties and conventions.
- The platform is notresponsible for:
- for malfunctions in the operation of the Site caused byinterruptions in the operation of equipment and software, for failures occurring in telecommunicationsor energy networks;
- for any errors, omissions, interruptions, defects and delays in theprocessing or transmission of Personal and Statistical Data, failures in communication lines,destruction of any equipment, unauthorized access of third parties to the Site, which caused therestriction of the User’s access to the Services;
- for the content, reliability and legality of information publishedby the User on the Site;
- to the User or any Third Parties for any direct and/or indirectlosses, damages, including lost profits or lost data, damage to honor, dignity or business reputation,incurred in connection with his use of the Site and Services, or the inability to use it, orunauthorized access to Third Party User communications;
- for any damage to the User's or another person's electronicdevices, any other equipment or software caused by or related to the User's use of the SiteServices;
- for the quality, safety, legality and compliance of the Product orService with their description, fulfillment of the obligations of the parties to the agreement(including fulfillment of obligations on time);
- compliance of the activities carried out by the Specialist inproviding services to Customers with Swiss legislation;
- fulfillment by Customers/Buyers of their obligations to pay forservices/Goods performed/provided to them by Specialists/Sellers;
- for compliance of the technical description of the Product on theSite with the Product that the Buyer receives;
- for the User’s opportunity to sell or purchase the subject ofthe Advertisement;
- for the provision of services by the Specialist to the Customer,if such services in any way contradict the legislation of Switzerland and/or moral and ethical standardsand/or business customs;
- for the placement by the Seller of Products, the sale of which isprohibited by Swiss law;
- for causing harm to the health or life of the Buyer by using theProduct purchased on the pages of the Site, which belongs to the Seller;
- for causing harm to the health or life of the Customer thatarises as a result of receiving services from the Specialist;
- The Platform does not deliver the Goods, thereforeresponsibility: for its safety during delivery; damage during delivery of the Goods; delivery of theGoods to the specified address. Responsibility for the delivery of the Goods lies solely with thedelivery service that carries it out.
- The Platform does not sell the Goods and does not issue aninvoice to the Buyer, but the invoice is issued by the Seller, and it is the Seller who is responsiblefor issuing such an invoice, including VAT instructions;
- for the content and legality, reliability of information/contentused/received by the User when using the Site;
- fulfillment of warranty obligations to Customers regarding theservices provided by Specialists and Products provided by Sellers;
- for storing information from the Account, the ability to use theSite, in the event of blocking/prohibiting the use of third-party services through which the Userregisters/authorizes into the Account, which are beyond the control of the Platform;
- for compliance of the Services in whole or in part with theUser’s expectations, error-free and uninterrupted operation of the Site, termination of theUser’s access to the Services, as well as while maintaining the User’s login and passwordthat provide access to the Services, for reasons related to technical failures of the Site’shardware or software, and does not reimburse the User for any related losses;
- for restriction/termination of the User's access to theServices, if these restrictions and terminations arose due to force majeure circumstances that aroseafter the User accepted these Terms of Use and the occurrence of which the parties could not influence,including, but not limited to, the following: war, riots, strikes, sabotage, embargo, fires, floods,natural disasters, deterioration of the radio-electronic or radiological situation, explosions, actionsand/or inactions of the government of Switzerland or another country, acts of state bodies and/or localgovernments, amendments to current legislation, accidents on public networks use, changes in theconditions of access to linear cable communication facilities.
- The Platform is not responsible for any technical failures or otherproblems of any telephone networks or services, computer systems, servers or providers, computer ortelephone equipment, software, failures of email services or scripts for technical reasons, for thenormal functioning and availability of individual network segments Internet and networks oftelecommunication operators involved in the User’s access to the Services.
- If the User violates the terms and conditions
Terms of UseThe Platform may apply the following sanctions tothe User:
- restrict the User’s access to the Platform Services (Accountban);
- limit the User's access to certain Services;
- delete the Account and stop providing the Services.
- The Platform has the right to apply sanctions to the User specifiedin paragraph a of this Section if the Platform has any suspicion about:
- violation by the User of theseTerms ofUse;
- the User commits fraudulent actions;
- posting prohibited content in accordance with these Terms of Use andSwiss law;
- violation by the User of the rules of communication with otherUsers specified in theseTerms of Use;
- poor quality provision of services by the Specialist to theCustomer;
- sales of prohibited Products provided for by these Terms ofUse;
- provision by the User of false Personal and Statistical data and/orinformation;
- violation by the User of the property and/or intellectual rights ofa Third Party.
- The Platform has the right, at its discretion, to require from theUser any documents confirming his identity and location, or other data (for example, passport data,residential address), as well as block the User’s access to the Platform Services until all thisdata is verified.
- We reserve the right to access your Account, the information youhave provided, and the Personal and Statistical Data stored by us, for support, maintenance, or for anysecurity, technical, or payment reasons.
- reserves the right, but notthe obligation:
- monitor violations of theseTerms ofUse;
- take appropriate legal action against anyone who, at ourdiscretion, violates the laws of Switzerland and the Kingdom of Liechtenstein or these
Terms of use, including, but not limited to, reporting such Userto law enforcement authorities; - in our sole discretion and without limitation, notice, or liability,to remove from the Site or otherwise disable all files and content that are excessive in size or areotherwise burdensome to our systems;
- administer the Site in a manner designed to protect our rights andproperty and to facilitate the proper functioning of the Site.
- The User is solely responsible to Third Parties for his actionsrelated to the placement of Advertisements on the Site, including, but not exclusively for the accuracyand timeliness of the User’s information, compliance of the User’s content with therequirements of the current legislation of Switzerland and the Kingdom of Liechtenstein. The Userunderstands and agrees that the information posted by him must not violate copyrights, rights to marksfor goods and services (trademarks), means of individualization and/or rights to other intellectualproperty belonging to Third Parties. The User, independently and at his own expense, undertakes tosettle all claims of Third Parties related to the placement of such Advertisements on the Site.
- In the event that third parties, including other Users, make claimsagainst the Platform related to the User’s use of the Services and the Site, the User undertakes,on his own and at his own expense, to settle these claims with Third Parties, protecting the Platformfrom possible losses and disputes, or to act on party to the Platform in such disputes, as well as tocompensate the Platform for damage (including legal costs) caused to it in connection with claims andlawsuits related to the posting of materials and/or the User’s activities on the Site.
- The Platform will not be responsible for any costs or lossesincurred directly or indirectly by the Customer/Buyer or Specialist/Seller as a result of the provisionof services, use of services, purchases and sales of Products. Under no circumstances shall the Platformbe liable to Users or Third Parties for any indirect damages, including lost profits. The Platform'sliability is limited to the amount of payment for the Services provided to the User.
- To the extent permitted by law, we provide the materials andServices on an “as is” basis. This means that we do not make any warranties, including, butnot limited to, the fitness of the Services for a particular purpose.
- The user can submit a request by email: about violation of his rights by another User and/or placement of illegal content, inaccordance with the terms of the Terms of Use.
- If there are any malfunctions in the operation of the Site,including certain technical services, the User must first contact the Support Service by sending arequest to the following
- The platform makes every effort to provide the highest qualityservices. Regardless of the above, the User has the right to file a complaint free of charge in case offailure to provide or improper provision of Services by the Platform by email: within three months from the date of provision of the Services.
- The complaint must contain: full name, email address of the Userattached to the Account, or telephone number attached to the Account (for Users registered by phonenumber), identification number of the Advertisement, circumstances supporting the complaint, as well asthe request (demand) of the User associated with a complaint.
- If the data or information provided in the complaint does not allowits recognition, the Platform will ask for additional information, indicating doubts or requirements. Ifthe User does not provide such additional information, the Platform may not provide a response to suchcomplaint.
- The Platform has the right, at its discretion, to terminateconsideration of the complaint and/or limit the number of responses to Users who violate the terms ofthe Terms of Use. The operator providing support to the User by telephone and/or answering theUser's telephone call has the right to terminate the call in the event of threats from the Usertowards the operator, the Platform, obscene language, transferring the conversation to personal topics,or pointlessness of the conversation.
- All relations between the Platform and the User arising inconnection with the fulfillment of the terms of these Services, regarding the use of the Services, aregoverned by the laws of the Swiss Confederation.
- To expedite resolution and control the costs of any dispute,controversy or claim related to theseTerms of Use
(each a “Dispute” and collectively, the “Disputes”) brought byeither you or us (individually, a “Party” and collectively, the “Parties”), theParties agree to first attempt to arbitrate any Dispute (except those Disputes expressly provided below)informally. at least 10 (ten) business days before the start of arbitration proceedings. Such informalnegotiations shall commence upon written notification by one Party to the other Party.
- Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this agreement,including any questions concerning its existence, validity or termination, shall be submitted to andfinally resolved by the commercial court of the Swiss Confederation, in accordance with the laws of theSwiss Confederation.
- EULA are valid during the periodof use of the Services by the Data Subject. In case of termination of use of the Services andtermination of relations between the parties, the terms and conditions
EULA stop working.
- Platform has the right to makechanges toTerms of use, in case of changes in theterms of provision of Services or changes in the cost of payment for such Services.
- The user is obliged to familiarize himself with the newconditionsTerms of Use, and the Platform is notresponsible if the User has not read the new conditionsTerms ofUse.
- Our electronic or otherwise stored copies
Terms of Use are considered to be the true, complete,valid and legally binding versions of theseTerms of Use valid at the time of your visit to the Site. If the User uses the Services after the updatedateTerms of Use, we have the right to assume thatthe User has read the new versionTerms of Use and agrees to the terms of the Services.
Address: Am Wasser 87 8049 ZurichSwitzerland